-Street Art Press Mold Event-
This is a one day event on March 2nd 2024. REGISTER NOW – so we have a head count on who is coming and how much space we are going to need for this event!
We will need your name and email to sign up so we can keep you in the loop with the event.
Step 1: Everyone Checks in at Potters’ Peak at 10am. This is where you will pick up your T-shirt, stickers and all material you will need to participate in this event.
Step 2: Carpool to our destination: Everyone in the group goes to the SAME locations so we have to be creative. We will have 5 stops on our list and we will all make the press molds from those designated areas. The trick is that you CANNOT use the same piece as another artist – the group leaders will have chalk and you will have to mark your area with chalk so that everyone knows that, that part of the world has already been taken. Everyone goes back to Potters’ Peak at end of the day (after all 5 locations have been reached).Eve
Step 3: APRIL 27TH Deadline: Everyone will have 8 weeks to have a finished teapot. Must bring finished work to Potters’ Peak to be judged.
Step 4: community will Judge all the Teapots. We will have FOUR total winners. Winners will be announced on June 1st! Our qualifications to win will be attached with breakdowns of how each artwork will be judged.
Step 5: All Artwork needs to be picked up from Potters’ Peak by June 30th, 2024.